Unfortunately, with the pressures of daily life over time, toxins tend to build up in the body causing both physical and mental ailments.
Living in the technology and fast age the body is becoming the biggest casualty acquiring several diseases like Spondylitis, Sciatica, Arthritis, Obesity, Migraine, Insomnia, Bronchitis, Allergic condition, Gout, Paralysis, and many other degenerative diseases. These conditions especially those which are in the chronic stages are easily amendable by various Panchakarma methods.
Why is PANCHAKARMA essential ?
The main objective of Panchakarma is to make the body stress & disease free and enhance longevity and vitality. It provides Physical, Mental & Spiritual well being.
• To eliminate the toxic matter from the body.
•To restore normal health.
• Makes body healthier by preventing recurrence of diseases
• Brings in order the various system of the body affected by irregular food habits, environment condition and other factors.
• Improve beauty and complexion.
• Strengthens the immune system, thus improving resistance to illnesses.
•It reverses the effects of stress and ageing in mind and body
• It enhances our strength, energy and vitality, as well as mental clarity and alertness
Therapeutic purgation - Expels Pitta through bowels and intestines and eliminates blood toxins. Is effective in digestive disorders, acidity, psoriasis, skin diseases, headaches, migraine, infertility, obesity, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, gynecological disorders, constipation etc.
Therapeutic purgation - Expels Pitta through bowels and intestines and eliminates blood toxins. Is effective in digestive disorders, acidity, psoriasis, skin diseases, headaches, migraine, infertility, obesity, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, gynecological disorders, constipation etc.
Basti: Therapeutic enemas - In Ayurveda Basti is considered as the key activity of all Panchakarma treatments since it cleanses the accumulated toxins rapidly and easily from the body. It not only cleanses but nourishes and rejuvenates too. This is a treatment of choice for all neuromuscular disorders, paralysis, sciatica, spondylitis, backache, arthritis, osteoporosis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, obesity, skin disorders, diabetes, infertility etc.
The errhines -expels kapha through nose and sinuses of head. It is effective in sinusitis, Rhinitis, allergies, headache, frozen shoulder, hair loss etc.
RAKTA MOKSHAN: Therapeutic expelling of vitiated blood and Pitta through blood either by application of leech or syringe. Effective in skin diseases, varicose veins, Hypertension etc.
Why is PANCHAKARMA essential ?
The main objective of Panchakarma is to make the body stress & disease free and enhance longevity and vitality. It provides Physical, Mental & Spiritual well being.
• To eliminate the toxic matter from the body
• To restore normal health
• Makes body healthier by preventing recurrence of diseases
• Brings in order the various system of the body affected by irregular food habits, environment condition and other factors
• Improve beauty and complexion
• Strengthens the immune system, thus improving resistance to illnesses
• It reverses the effects of stress and ageing in mind and body
• It enhances our strength, energy and vitality, as well as mental clarity and alertness
Panchakarma means five therapies. The Panchakarma is a curative line of management for almost all diseases, which are not open to palliative treatment. The pathology of almost all diseases starts from stomach or large intestines or site of digestion.
Through Panchakarma vitiated toxins are expelled out from the body and thus body gets purified and free from circulating toxins. The five therapies or procedures used for elimination of vitiated toxins from the body are the modes of purification of bodily channels.
Why is PANCHAKARMA essential ?
The main objective of Panchakarma is to make the body stress & disease free and enhance longevity and vitality. It provides Physical, Mental & Spiritual well being.
• To eliminate the toxic matter from the body.
•To restore normal health.
• Makes body healthier by preventing recurrence of diseases
• Brings in order the various system of the body affected by irregular food habits, environment condition and other factors.
• Improve beauty and complexion.
• Strengthens the immune system, thus improving resistance to illnesses.
•It reverses the effects of stress and ageing in mind and body
• It enhances our strength, energy and vitality, as well as mental clarity and alertness
Panchakarma means five therapies. The Panchakarma is a curative line of management for almost all diseases, which are not open to palliative treatment. The pathology of almost all diseases starts from stomach or large intestines or site of digestion.
Through Panchakarma vitiated toxins are expelled out from the body and thus body gets purified and free from circulating toxins. The five therapies or procedures used for elimination of vitiated toxins from the body are the modes of purification of bodily channels.
Bridal Package:
Panchakarma means five therapies. The Panchakarma is a curative line of management for almost all diseases, which are not open to palliative treatment. The pathology of almost all diseases starts from stomach or large intestines or site of digestion.
Through Panchakarma vitiated toxins are expelled out from the body and thus body gets purified and free from circulating toxins. The five therapies or procedures used for elimination of vitiated toxins from the body are the modes of purification of bodily channels.